Speak Mandarin

Confidently in 6 Weeks

Stop Relying on Others to Translate.

Start Unlocking New Opportunities With Mandarin.

Our Innovative Copy and Paste Method™ will change the way you learn Mandarin as a Cantonese Speaker.

Are You Experiencing Any of These?

Not Seeing Real Progress

You’ve been wanting to learn Mandarin for years, but you still can’t hold a basic conversation. You’re left wondering what you’re doing wrong.

Wasting Time on Ineffective Apps

You have a 365 Day Duolingo Streak, but you still can't even hold a basic conversation. It just doesn't feel like you're making any progress.

Nothing Seems to Stick

You’ve spent hours on the basic chinese apps and classes, but it feels like you’re not getting anywhere. It’s like you’re just going in circles.

Feeling Stuck at the Beginner Level

No matter how much you try, it feels like you’re permanently stuck as a beginner, unable to break through to fluency.

Built for Cantonese Speakers

even if you can only speak a liiitle bit...

We specifically built this for Cantonese Diaspora so they can leverage their existing Cantonese to learn Mandarin.

If that's you, better opportunities are only a few clicks away.

Start Speaking Mandarin Confidently in 3 Steps


We assess your current Cantonese skills and create a personalized plan to get you speaking Mandarin.

Copy and Paste™

Learn and apply The Copy and Paste™ method to transform your Cantonese into fluent Mandarin.

Speak Mandarin

Start using Mandarin in real-life situations, building confidence and fluency through guided conversations and practical scenarios.

600+ Success Stories, Trusted by Top Professionals:


From Frustration to Fluency for 600+ Students

"My life changed forever"

I’m really amazed at how much my Mandarin improved.

Let me tell you, I had elementary level Cantonese but the course helps break down each component into digestible videos and always keeps you engaged!

I’m surprised at how much I learned in such a short amount of time and would definitely recommend this course even to those who have super basic Cantonese.

Overall, I noticed that my Cantonese grammar + pronunciation improved greatly, and the “copy and paste method” is an efficient way to learn Mandarin for Cantonese speakers! - Kitty C.

"I highly recommend it for Canto speakers that want to learn Mandarin."

I have to say I'm really enjoying the program! It's engaging and fun.

The Canto to Mando Blueprint helped bring everything together, I finished chapter 4 and I can’t wait to keep going!

I can make most sentences now without having to doubt myself, I’ve been practicing with my girlfriend and she said my Mandarin is better than it’s ever been haha.

It’s even improving my Cantonese, I thought I was pretty good with my Canto but turns out the program has shown me there’s always room for improvement.

- Dylan C.

"Highly recommend this"

"I am so glad I found this course. I recall taking actual Chinese courses in Chinatown, NY and getting 0s on my tests in addition to trying to learn Mandarin via other traditional methods like Rosetta stone (then giving up after 1 day).

Being a Cantonese speaker I found that this course clicked instantly. The techniques and tools introduced in this course were really the keys I needed to easily learn Mandarin.

As a result, I have been able to have daily conversations with my wife in Mandarin and started to teach her the reverse of this course (Mando -> Canto) for small phrases.

This course has also allowed me to improve how to properly say things as well in Cantonese."

- Lamont C.

"I never thought I would ever be able to learn Mandarin."

The Canto to Mando Blueprint is one of a kind. I never thought I would ever be able to learn Mandarin.

While my native language is Cantonese and speak it fairly well with my family, I was never able to read or write.

Leveraging my knowledge in Cantonese is the best way to learn for me as each concept makes total sense.

Just recently, I texted my mom in Chinese! She was so surprised and was amazed at my progress in such short time.

That was the perfect encouragement for me to keep going and I have this program to thank for that! - Denise W.


Stop Feeling Like the Only Chinese Person who Can't Speak Chinese

Fluency in Mandarin and Cantonese unlocks opportunities that can improve your life.

  • Feel a Sense of Belonging

  • Unlock Career Opportunities

  • Pass on Your Heritage with Pride

  • Embrace New Experiences

  • Strengthen Family Bonds

  • Rediscover Your Chinese roots

What Are Your Other Options?

We offer much faster results and a higher likelihood of success.

CRITERIA The Canto to Mando Blueprint Apps Chinese Class (College) China Immersion Tutoring Service
Avg. Time to Conversational 6-12 Weeks 3+ Years 2+ Years 6 Months 8 Months
Avg. Time Commitment Low Low High High High
1:1 Support
Exclusive Community
Chances of Achieving Language Goal High Very Low Low High Varies (may need a lot of sessions)
Done from home?
Customized for Cantonese Speakers
Improve Cantonese While Learning Mandarin
Cost (to achieve conversational level) $$ $ $$$ $$$$$ $$$

What Are Your Other Options?

We offer much faster results and a higher likelihood of success.

Don’t delay. Free promo ends tomorrow

Hear From Some Of Our Students

The Story About

The Canto to Mando Blueprint

The Canto to Mando Blueprint was founded to empower Cantonese speakers to confidently embrace their cultural roots and overcome the challenges of learning Mandarin.

Our mission is to revolutionize language learning, making it seamless and effective, so you can connect deeply with your heritage and unlock new opportunities in every aspect of your life.

Sheldon Exploring the Great Wall of China

A Letter From Our Founder

From The Desk Of Sheldon Ho

In Beautiful Taipei

Thu, Jan 11, 2024

Re: Why Mandarin Matters to Me (And Why It Should Matter to You)

What a fantastic question. If you weren’t at least a bit skeptical, I’d be concerned. Learning Mandarin isn’t easy, and I get why you might hesitate. After all, there’s a sea of apps, books, and programs out there promising fluency overnight. But here’s the truth:

Mandarin is more than just a language—it’s a key that unlocks new worlds.

When I first began my Mandarin journey, it wasn’t just about learning words and phrases. It was about connecting with my heritage, understanding a culture that was both familiar and foreign, and most importantly, breaking down barriers that kept me from feeling truly connected to my roots.

Over the years, Mandarin has brought incredible opportunities into my life. I’ve built relationships with people I never thought I’d have the chance to meet, deepened my understanding of a culture rich in history and wisdom, and unlocked professional opportunities that were once out of reach. I'm even able to escape Canadian winters now and live in Taiwan, which is where I'm writing this from.

But this journey wasn’t without its challenges. I’ve spent countless hours navigating ineffective methods, feeling the frustration of forgetting what I’d just learned, and wrestling with the overwhelming nature of mastering tones and characters. These struggles, however, only fueled my desire to find a better way—not just for me, but for people like you.

That’s why I’m so passionate about what we’ve built here. Our program is the result of years of refinement, guided by the belief that language learning should be immersive, practical, and above all, rewarding. It’s designed to help you not just learn Mandarin, but live it—turning every lesson into a stepping stone toward real-world mastery.

I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished, and even more excited about what we can achieve together. This isn’t just about teaching you Mandarin; it’s about helping you connect, grow, and thrive in ways you might not even imagine yet.

We’ve spent an extraordinary amount of time perfecting our process, ensuring that every step of your journey with us is smooth, engaging, and, most importantly, effective. We want you to not only see results but to enjoy every moment of getting there.

So, if you’re ready to experience what Mandarin can truly bring into your life—to forge deeper connections, open new doors, and step confidently into a world of possibilities—I’d be honored to be a part of your journey.

Until then...

To Your Success,

Sheldon Ho

Founder, The Canto to Mando Blueprint

Follow Sheldon

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I see how the Copy and Paste Method works before I book a call or get some more information?

Yea of course! We have a Free Guide you can check out here:


After checking out the guide, if it's helpful - feel free to book a call then and we can see if we can help

I don't speak Cantonese, but I want to learn... can I do this?

Currently we can only help you if you're able to speak at least a liiiitle bit of Cantonese.

What that means is that you can communicate at AT LEAST a very basic level.

So unless you have that ability, we can't help you right now. But we do have some projects in the pipeline

Stay in touch and we'll keep you posted :) For now, just follow our instagram and Youtube! We'll announce there when we have an update!



I Am Too Old/Too Young, Will This Work For Me?

We always tell our students that age is just a number. Our students range from college students to seniors in their 70s. As long as you have access to a phone, a computer and the internet, you will be able to learn.

How Is This Program Different From Other Chinese Learning Programs?

This program is built by Cantonese speakers FOR Cantonese speakers. It is different from the basic, one-size-fits-all apps and classes that are made exclusively for English speakers.

If you speak even a hint of Cantonese, you should not be learning at the same pace or in the same way as someone with no Cantonese background.

You DO NOT need to be able to read and write Chinese.

I'm not comfortable on a call... do we have to hop on one for me to join?

Completely understand where you're coming from and I hear you.. I know I can look intimidating...(I hope not)

To be real with you though, we can't really see how we can help you without hearing you speak Cantonese.

Cause it wouldn't make much sense for us to take you on without even seeing your existing level right?

If we did that, it'd be 100% against what we stand for (which is to not another generic, basic, one-size fits all program).

That's why it's important for us to have a call.

We don't want to bring in people unless we're sure we can help them.

We promise to maintain 100% confidentiality and also to ensure that you are in a judgement-free zone.

We will not judge you based on your Chinese level.

So please help us to help you by chatting with our team so we can make sure you get the right help you need.

How Much Does it Cost?

If you’re looking for something for $10, look elsewhere. I understand if you’re concerned about price, but if you’re looking for the cheapest option, that’s not us.

We invest heavily in our clients, coaching, and world-class team members to deliver the best possible results.

All of this being said, we’re still a lot lower than the cost of your time if you did this all on your own, or if you tried other methods.

We do have multiple packages you can choose from based on your needs and where you’re at; we suggest booking a call to learn more.

Why should I learn from you instead of just finding some native speaker?

Of course you can!The question is, should you?

I was helping my mom study English and she asked me...

Mom: "If the plural form for goose is geese.. shouldn't the plural form for moose be meese?"

Me: "uhh... idk lol... it just is...why are you asking this?"

Mom: "how do you know it's boxes and not boxen when the plural of ox is oxen?"

Me: "Uhhh.. it just is lol.."

Despite being a native English speaker, I had no answer for her.

Since I had never formally learned English as a second language, I was completely unaware of the pain points, and points of confusion that a learner would face.

I'm quite adept at English, but I would deem myself a poor English teacher for this reason.

With native speakers, the pro is they have knowledge, but the con is they lack an understanding of the pain points that learners face.So why learn from us?

Well because with us, you're getting the pro, without the cons. I've worked with our team of expert coaches to create a program that specifically addresses ALL the specific pain points that I faced as a Cantonese speaker trying to learn Mandarin.

I've trained our team of native speaking coaches to pay special attention to difficulties and pain points that Cantonese learners will face when trying to learn Mandarin.

Our coaches were shocked when they realized that we Cantonese speakers face these types of difficulties, but together we made a program to help address them.

And that is the Canto to Mando Blueprint.

I've Tried Other Courses And Didn't Get Results, How Do I Know This Will Work?

As the founder, I actually took many Chinese courses in schools and online.

NONE of them worked for me.

So I truly understand why people feel “STUCK” even after taking multiple courses.

This learning style is exactly what I wish I had as a Cantonese speaker growing up.

It would've saved me years of wasted money at tutors, and time playing around on basic apps and classes.

As long as you speak even a little bit of Cantonese, we can see if we can help.

The whole theory behind our approach is that it's not a cookie-cutter one-size fits all solution.

We tailor things to your Cantonese level and to your specific needs so that you're not doing things that are way too easy for you or irrelevant.

That's why we're very selective about who we work with, and why we encourage you to book a call to lean more.

Most Of Your Students Are In The USA, Will This Work For Someone Living Outside The USA?

Don't worry too much about that - our group is growing fast globally, and we have students in Canda, UK, Paris, Australia, Hong Kong, UAE, and more.

Everything will be hosted online and we can make things work around your timezone.

I want to focus on improving my Cantonese as well... will this help with that?

One thing we see consistently in our students is that as their Mandarin improves, their Cantonese improves as well.

The reason why this is the case as you might see from the training is because Cantonese and Mandarin have almost identical grammar patterns.

Frequently, everyday Cantonese is spoken quite informally though. This is not a problem, but for a lot of Cantonese Diaspora, this makes them not used to formal Cantonese and it makes understanding things like the news, or more complex topics quite difficult.

Luckily, formal Cantonese is actually structurally the same as everyday Mandarin - and so as you learn everyday Mandarin, you naturally increase your Cantonese skills as well.

This is why we say one of the best ways to improve your Cantonese is to learn Mandarin. You can read more about that here: https://www.thecmblueprint.com/improvecantonese50997595

How long does a call take?

Our day is quite busy, so we don't have the whole day to speak. Calls typically range from 20-30 minutes, and it's really just a quick chat to see where your level is at, where you're trying to get to and then see if or how we can help with that.



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Top-notch services.

DISCLAIMER: Results cannot be guaranteed due to them being dependent on each and every student. Any results stated above are those of certain students who used the program as intended combined with their own dedication and/or work ethic. In using the program, you may achieve results better, equal or worse than other students depending on various factors such as: study pattern, motivation, work ethic, past experiences, dedication, etc.... We cannot guarantee results.

© Copyright 2021 - All Rights Reserved. The CM Blueprint LTD

From Frustration to Fluency for 600+ Students